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Russian Navy Confirms New Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear-Powered Destroyer Plans.
| 2017
Comments Krylov State Research Center completed last year a conceptual design of the Project 23000 Shtorm aircraft carrier intended to displace 95,000 tons and carry an air wing of 65 aircraft. Her power plant may be nuclear. In addition, provision has been made for two electromagnetic catapults. According to Krylov "the Project 23000 multirole aircraft carrier is designed for operations far in the ocean, attacks on land-based and naval targets, provision of combat stability for friendly naval forces and air defense of Marines and supporting ships during amphibious assaults. The future ship is supposed to displace about 95,000 tons, measure 330 m long and have a speed of 30 knots. The carrier is to carry sophisticated radio equipment, radars and self-defense systems. Her complement will be several thousand servicemen, including the personnel of her air wing". |