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USS Coronado LCS 4 Hits Target With Harpoon Missile during Training near Guam.
| 2017
Navy Recognition's tour aboard USS Coronado during IMDEX 2017 in Singapore
Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon weapon designed to execute anti-ship missions against a range of surface targets. It can be launched from surface ships, submarines and aircraft and is currently used on 50 U.S. Navy ships: 22 cruisers, 21 Flight I destroyers, seven Flight II destroyers, and select littoral combat ships.
Coronado’s successful strike on a target using the harpoon missile system follows a test fire of the harpoon that was conducted in July, 2016 during RIMPAC. Lessons from the RIMPAC test informed preparations and helped set the team up for success this time. |
“USS Coronado’s success in a real-world deployment of the harpoon missile system is a result of how we are changing the way we operate and think about LCS,” said Capt. Lex Walker, commodore, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7. “By focusing on how a deployed LCS fits in the larger maritime domain with regional partners, we are ensuring a secure and cooperative regional environment while increasing the ship’s capabilities.”
Task Force 73 and Destroyer Squadron 7 staff conduct advanced planning, organize resources and directly support the execution of maritime exercises such as the bilateral CARAT series, NEA with Vietnam, and the multilateral Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) with Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. |