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U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy Conduct Integration of F-35B Lightning II aboard USS Wasp.
| 2015
is the first time we are doing this on a ship with six aircraft instead
of two, and the standard Marine Corps footprint of roughly 150 Marines
to work on the aircraft,” said Lt. Col. Michael Dehner, the F-35
Operational Test Director with the Department of the Navy, and the Deputy
Combined Test Director with the Joint Strike Fighter Operational Test
Team. “We are at that transition step before anyone will be able
to use the F-35B as a warfighting platform.” Not only is the F-35B the most versatile and technologically advanced aircraft in the skies today, it will also be replacing three legacy Marine Corps platforms; the AV-8B Harrier, the F/A-18 Hornet, and the EA-6B Prowler. |
initially flew Harriers,” said Capt. Colin Newbold, an F-35B pilot
with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121, Marine Aircraft Group 13, 3rd
Marine Aircraft Wing. “It is a very different airplane to fly than
the Harrier. However, it’s a great jet to fly, very pilot friendly.
And I think we’ll find a lot of success with it.” Another unique aspect of OT-1 has been the United Kingdom’s involvement. Prior to and throughout the course of OT-1, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force personnel have been imbedded with both the Joint Strike Fighter community and participating Marine units to observe and receive hands-on training with the aircraft. “For the United Kingdom, this is a great opportunity to see the same variant aircraft that they will procure work through that air-ship integration,” said Dehner. “It is valuable insight as they are working on the Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers.” In addition to doing operational testing and seeing how the aircraft is compatible with the Marine Corps’ warfighting components, the ability to logistically support aircraft aboard a U.S. Navy amphibious ship was also assessed. “Our learning points from this are going to not only stress the design, but also the logistics footprint for the aircraft,” said Dehner. “We want to see how it works in that confined space, which is the ship, as we get into when we want to deploy this aircraft with all the logistics support behind it. This is a great stress test.” OT-1 has ultimately provided the Marine Corps and partner nations with a greater understanding of the F-35B’s capabilities, and a collection of data that will lay the foundation for future F-35B operations. As of May 26, F-35B pilots aboard USS Wasp have flown more than 80 sorties from the ship. For the first time, the Marine Corps proved that a spare F-35B engine power module, a very large and intricate piece of machinery, can be safely transported from shore to ship in an MV-22 Osprey, providing depth to the Corps’ F-35B supply chain. Maintenance has been conducted around the clock; both to keep the F-35B in the air, and to assess the Marines’ ability to conduct complex maintenance procedures to simulate maintenance situations that could arise on a standard shipboard deployment. “Being out here and participating in this is a milestone,” said Newbold. “We have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. It’s really great to be a part of something like this.” OT-1 will continue through May 29. As the F-35Bs participating in the exercise will return to their home bases, Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121, based in Yuma, Arizona, prepares to undergo an operational readiness inspection prior to the Marine Corps’ declaration of the F-35B’s initial operational capability, scheduled to take place this summer. |