DCNS D19 UVV revealed to Navy Recognition during EURONAVAL 2014
for Navy Recognition, DCNS presents its new Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
(UVV) D19. This new vehicle is developed to accomplish a wide range
of missions, including ISR, electronic warfare, etc.
DCNS D19 Schema
an exclusive interview for Navy Recognition, DCNS presents
its all new D19 UUV. D19 is the latest generation of
versatile Unmanned Underwater Vehicle developed by DCNS for military missions.
Equipped with modular payload at the front end, which can be easily switched
thanks to a plug-and-play system, D19 can fulfill a wide variety of missions:
- identification, surveillance, recognition,
- electronic warfare,
- anti-submarine warfare,
- underwater mobile target,
- mine countermeasures,
- rapid environmental assessment,
- mine laying.
Already sea proven for different missions thanks to the joint effort of
DCNS and French Navy, the D19 combines long endurance and intelligence
to offer a wide range of operational employment. It can be launched by
submarine, vessel or from the shore. Its payload is modular according
to the mission.
D19 UUV is
fit for ISR mission. For exemple, it can read a name's ship 1 km away.
The D19 UUV is built
on a F21 Torpedo base. This way, DCNS takes advantage of its experience
accumulated with the development of this torpedo. The D19 is propelled
by a Lithium-ion energy section.
D19 is designed for military missions. Indeed it disposes of an accurate
navigation system (INS), it is auto or fibro guided, it transfers the
collected information in real-time by GPS, GSM, SATCOM or by optical fiber
(60 km of cable on board).
Furthermore it can be recovered some time after the mission and it can
also get lost in the meaning of there is no storage of sensitive information
on board. In addition, the D19 is easy to use:
- It is easily reconfigurable for new mission,
- it is easy to recharge the Li-Ion battery,
- it can be deployed and recovered from the shore, a vessel or a UUS equipped
D19 UUV can
be lauch from shore, surface vessel or submarine
Its length resizes
itself, from a minimum of 5 m to a maximum of 8 m, according to the mission
and the required payload. The diameter of D19 is 533 mm because it is
developed on a F21 torpedo basis and because it has to be launch from
a submarine's torpedo tubes.
Even fully loaded, the D19 UUV's weight doesn't exceed the ton and the
speed goes to 0 to 25 kts. The endurance is about 30 hours with a range
of maximum 100 nm. Those features allow the D19 to be launched outside
the territorial waters of the targeted country.