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Russian Army tests new 2S43 Malva self-propelled howitzer.

| 2023

On October 26, 2023, new video footage released by Russian state media revealed the testing of Russia's latest self-propelled howitzer, the 2S43 "Malva". Capable of firing 152mm shells, it represents the newest advancement in Russian artillery engineering.
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Russian 2S43 Malva Self-Propelled Howitzer during a test (Picture source: Russian States Media)

Built on an 8×8 wheeled chassis from the Bryansk Automobile Plant, this 152mm artillery system was developed as part of the "Nabrosok" research and development initiative. The howitzer employs a 152mm rifled barrel, known as the 2A64, with a barrel length of 47 calibers, similar to the existing 2S19 "Msta-S" self-propelled howitzer.

Compared to tracked artillery systems, the wheeled Malva offers enhanced maneuverability, extended lifespan, and reduced operating costs. The system also minimizes the time required for setup, relocation, and target identification relative to its towed or tracked counterparts.

Among its features is the ability to execute Multiple Rounds of Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) missions. In this mode, multiple shells are launched at the same time to hit a target simultaneously. The onboard equipment simplifies ammunition management and includes an automated fire control system. The howitzer also comes equipped with an autonomous power source that provides electricity when stationary.

Capable of covering up to 1,000 km on highways without the need for refueling, Malva's all-wheel drive and robust diesel engine make it highly adaptable for off-road conditions. Additionally, the system can be airlifted using an Il-76 transport aircraft, facilitating quick deployment over long distances.

This past August, Rostec, Russia's defense and technology giant, revealed that a contract has been awarded to begin production of the first batch of 2S43 "Malva" 152mm self-propelled howitzers for the Russian military. "Having successfully completed state trials, the Malva is now entering mass production. The first units are expected to be delivered to the armed forces in the near future," stated Vladimir Artyakov, the First Deputy Director General of Rostec.

Russian Army tests new 2S43 Malva self propelled howitzer 925 0022S43 Malva Self-Propelled Howitzer showcased at Army 2023 (Picture Source: Vitaly V.Kuzmin)


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