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Iran unveils Raad-500 short range ballistic missile.

| 2020

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards unveiled Sunday, Feb.9, a short-range ballistic missile that they said can be powered by a “new generation” of engines designed to put satellites into orbit. Major General Hossein Salami, the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ) commander, hails a ‘leap in modern missile technology’ with short-range Raad-500 missile that is ‘cheaper, lighter, faster and more precise’.

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The Raad-500 missile is a new generation missile that has half the weight of a Fateh-110 but with 200 kilometers-more range (124 miles) (Picture source: Iranian TV)

The Guards’ Sepahnews website said the Raad-500 missile (Raad means “Thunder) is a new generation missile that has half the weight of a Fateh-110 missile but with 200 kilometers-more range (124 miles). It is equipped with new Zoheir engines made of composite materials lighter than on earlier steel models. It also unveiled Salman engines made of the same materials but with a “movable nozzle” for the delivery of satellites into space. The movable nozzle on the new engine allows maneuverability beyond the atmosphere.

The new technologies that make the missiles cheaper, lighter, faster and more precise could be applied to all of Iran’s missile classes. Iran maintains it has no intention of acquiring nuclear weapons, and says its aerospace activities are peaceful and comply with a UN Security Council resolution.


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