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Iraq studies issue of Russia's S-400 purchase 'very carefully'.

| 2018

Baghdad is thoroughly studying the issue of buying Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems (NATO code: SA-21 Growler), Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari told reporters on 27 February, following a meeting of the Russian-Iraqi Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation. "The issue is being studied in every detail," he said.

Iraq studies issue of Russsias S 400 purchase very carefully
TEL Transporter Erector Launcher mobile unit of S-400 air defense missile system (Picture source

“Unfortunately, Iraq sustained substantial losses in the fight against terrorism," the Iraqi minister went on to say. "Today we are ready to take any steps that will ensure our security."

Meanwhile, Iraqi Ambassador to Russia Haidar Mansour Hadi told reporters that the issue was not discussed during the meeting of the Russian-Iraqi intergovernmental commission held in Moscow. "There is no delegation in Moscow now to purchase S-400," he said. "When the Iraqi government decides to buy S-400, of course, this will be announced, and the issue will be discussed by the two countries," the diplomat added.

Head of the Iraqi parliament’s Defense and Security Committee Hakim al-Zamili earlier said Iraq seeks to have the S-400 missile systems at its disposal to protect its territory from aerial threats.

On Tuesday 27 February, Moscow hosted a meeting of the Russian-Iraqi Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation co-chaired by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.



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