International Exhibition & Conference
of Arms & Military Technology
Minsk - Belarus
24 - 27 May 2011
Caracal antitank missile complex at MILEX 2011
May 27, 2011, 12:31 AM
Milex 2011, the Belarus Company Tetraedr presents the T38
Stilet short range air defence system.
MILEX 2011, the Belarus Defence Company Tetraedr its latest
generation of mobile air defense missile base on the russian
made air defense missile system SA-8 Gecko, the T38 STILET
Short Range Air Defence System.
Stilet Short Range Air Defence System T381 Combat vehicle
at MILEX 2011
The self-contained
mobile T38 STILET Air Defense Missile System (ADMS) is
designed to defend Army units, industrial and military
installations from the strikes of all types of modern
and advanced aerial attack assets flying nap-of-the earth,
at low and medium altitudes and possessing the RCS of
0.03 m² and above. The STILET ADMS provides acquisition
and identification of targets on the move and at halts,
as well as engagement of target with one or two missiles
from a short halt or from a stationary position.
The T38 STILET SAM system comprises combat and technical support