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Syrian rebels multiply attacks against the regular armed forces in Syria 2912111.

| 2011

Defense News - Syria


Thursday, December 29, 2011, 09:15 AM

Syrian rebels multiply attacks against the regular armed forces in Syria.

Syrian rebels multiply attacks against the regular army in Syria. An amateur video that was turned yesterday by the insurgents themselves when they ambushed a convoy of Syrian armed forces in the province of Deraa.


At Homs, home of the rebellion for more than nine months, deserters would not hesitate to talk the crowd in the district of Bab Sbaa. Again the video was released on the internet and it is difficult to verify its contents.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least four government soldiers were killed in the ambush which was carried out by the Free Syrian Army

The video, which lasts less than three minutes, shows nine men with automatic rifles on what seems to be a roof of a deserted house surrounded by trees and facing a main road.

The United Nations says at least 5,000 people have been killed. Syria says it is fighting armed groups which it accuses of killing at least 2,000 members of its forces.

A team of Arab monitors, in Syria to asses whether Damascus halted a crackdown on protests, is expected to visit Deraa on Thursday.

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