Defence delivered the 1st batch of NASAMS FIN air defence
vehicle to Finnish Army.
of military trucks, Sisu Defence Oy, has delivered the 1st
batch of Sisu 8x8 and Sisu 4x4 off-road military trucks
to be used in the Finnish Defence Forces’ new NASAMS
FIN air defence system.
SISU Defence 8X8 truck NASAMS FIN
air defense missile system
Trucks in question
were delivered to Norway’s premier supplier for
defence and aerospace-related systems, Kongsberg Defence
& Aerospace AS, who is engaged in a turnkey delivery
of NASAMS FIN air defence system ordered by Materiel Command
of Finnish Army.
" This vehicle delivery is an important milestone
in the NASAMS FIN delivery project.", says Engineer
in charge, Erik Godstad, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
" Delivered Sisu trucks suit very well for NASAMS
air defence system. Certain additional features required
by the system have been implemented to the trucks during
manufacturing with great flexibility, and in agreed schedule.",
Mr. Godstad continues.
Heavy-duty four-axle Sisu 8x8 off-road trucks shall be
used in the subsystems forming the NASAMS FIN air defence
system. These trucks are equipped with Multilift hook-lifts
integrated to truck frame, and with cargo platforms suitable
to be operated with a hook-lift.
Delivery includes also Sisu 4x4 off-road trucks to serve,
for example, in logistics and support functions of the
air defence system.