ReTWis the radar solution to detect human targets behind brick
walls and rubble.
is the world leading solution capable of detecting living
beings especially human targets behind brick walls and rubble.
ReTWis is a long-lasting and sophisticated lightweight tool
which combines the most durable design, an advanced computer
processing, a robust platform, a flexible easy-to-use application
software and Ultra Wide Band Technologies into one device.
radar solution to detect human targets behind brick walls
and rubble
weighs 7 kg, including its battery, which provides sufficient
power for an endurance of five hours. It can be used for
hundreds of different purposes and in as many ways; whenever
you need to know whether there are people at the other
side of the wall and what their current location is.
You can use ReTWis in situations where a high degree of
insight is crucial. ReTWis can see through materials as
diverse as drywall, wood, concrete, and brick, enabling
its users to view living beings at a range of up to 20
meters. ReTWis is the tool which can help you to have
a quick evaluation of room activity and also it can be
used as a decision-maker tool.
can see through materials as diverse as drywall, wood, concrete,
and brick, enabling its users to view living beings at a
range of up to 20 meters.
is the ultimate solution which helps the user to have
an insight through solid objects displaying the presence
of living beings within the operative radius. This fast
and accurate tool surveys areas no matter how difficult
is the access. ReTWis is very handy in situations where
having visibility is essential.
is the tool which can help you to have a quick evaluation
of room activity and also it can be used as a decision-maker