oil city of Brega is under the control Libyan rebels, Gaddafi’s
forces always in Misrata.
rebels have pushed forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi out of
much of Brega city but they are still facing bombardment.
In the west, Gaddafi’s forces are continuing to besiege
of the oil city of Brega has changed hands several times
during the past month as government troops and opposition
forces advance and then retreat. If there were eventually
to be a ceasefire leading to Libya’s partition, control
of resources and revenues from oil ports including Brega
and Ras Lanuf would be crucial.
experienced and retired officers are now reportedly swelling
the rebel ranks to combat the better equipped government
troops. It remains unclear, however, the extent of rebel
casualties with opposition forces claiming they urgently
need more weapons and fresh supplies.
Libyan Rebel fighters drives towards
the university of the key old port of Brega during the fighting
volunteer Libyan rebel fighters receive training former
servicemen of the old Gaddafi armed forces on how to use
various weapons at a military camp in Benghazi.
rebel fighters receive weapons training at a military camp
in Benghazi