(FN Herstal) Back
top page Suspension
of the licenses for the export of weapons with the FN Herstal within
the framework of the sale of weapons in Libya.
Council of State invalidated this 29 October 2009 the
licenses of weapons exports granted on June 8th by Walloon
minister-president Rudy Demotte to the FN Herstal. A
legal decision, which puts the executive PS-Ecologist-CDH
and the FN Herstal in the embarrassment. The Council
of State, chaired by Michel Leroy, returned this Thursday
a suspension for the five licenses of weapons exports,
who was concluded the June 8th, with the FN Herstal,
and the minister-president of the Walloon region, Rudy
Demotte. These licenses related to a delivery of weapons
intended for the army and the Libyan police force for
an entire amount of 11,516 million euros. A contract
which is the starter of an order much larger: 111 million
euros in five years. The company of FN Herstal represents
a worldwide state-of-art for the production and manufacture
of small weapons. During this crisis period, why associations
like the human rights and the National coordination
of action for peace can bring legal actions which could
endanger the work of many employees of FN Herstal. This
behavior is a hypocrisy compared to the many sale contracts
of weapons in the world. If it is not the FN Herstal
which obtains these contracts, Libya will be able very
easily to address itself to other suppliers. It is not
the first time that the FN Herstal is attacked about
his defence activities. This contract represents an
important financial resource for the FN Herstal, and
these repetitive attacks against the FN Herstal could
endanger the survival of the FN Herstal, and its credibility
on a world level. Everyone knows that the sale of weapons
and equipment soldier represents a great part of the
worldwide economy. 30
October 2009
top page Around 30,000
Pakistani troops are taking part in the offensive against Talibans.
soldiers fire mortars towards Taliban militants position
at the Sherwangi Tor village in South Waziristan, October
29, 2009. Around 30,000 troops are taking part in the
offensive against an estimated 10-12,000 militants in
the semi-autonomous and lawless tribal belt. Relief
workers say more than 200,000 people have been displaced
by the fighting. The military says 264 militants and
31 soldiers have been killed, but the information cannot
be confirmed independently because the area is a closed
combat zone. The army has said nothing about civilian
casualties. 30
October 2009
States Back
top page US special
forces prepare for additional SCAR Special Operations Forces Combat
Assault Rifle influx.
fielding of FNH USA's Special Operations Forces Combat
Assault Rifle (SCAR) to the US Special Operations Command
(SOCOM) is expected to conclude in December and a larger
follow-on order is anticipated in early 2010 to fully
equip the majority of associated units within the group.
A total of 1,200 Mk 16 and Mk 17 SCAR weapon systems
have been delivered to SOCOM to date, but FNH USA told
Jane's that it expected a larger order for around 20,000
weapons next year. The additional orders are expected
to include approximately 15,000 5.56 mm Mk 16 SCAR-Light
and 5,000 Mk 17 7.62 mm SCAR-Heavy weapons as well as
a number of 40 mm Mk 13 Enhanced Grenade Launcher Modules. 29
October 2009
(Krauss-Maffei) Back
top page Krauss-Maffei
Wegmann hands over first LEOPARD 1A5 main battle tank to Brazilian army.
28 October 2009, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) handed
over the first of 220 LEOPARD 1A5 main battle tanks
to the Brazilian army at the company's site in Kassel,
Germany. The tanks come from the reserve stocks of the
German army and have been overhauled and modernised
since the start of this year. Delivery of all the systems
is scheduled by 2012. Brazil purchased the main battle
tanks in the context of a government-to-government agreement
with Germany. The Federal Office of Defence Technology
and Procurement in its turn commissioned KMW at the
end of December 2008 as the general contractor to overhaul
the tanks and to develop and install specific Brazilian
sub-systems. In addition the contract scope provides
the South American country with training equipment,
simulators, driver training vehicles and local technical
support. 29
October 2009
top page Turks celebrate
the 86th anniversary of the Turkish Republic with military parade.
celebrate the 86th anniversary of the Turkish Republic
by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who commanded the Turkish
army during the 1919-1922 War of Independence that ended
in Turkish victory. Turkish army tanks roll during the
Republic Day celebrations in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday,
Oct. 29, 2009. 29
October 2009
(Rheinmetall) Back
top page Rheinmetall
Defence and Israel Aerospace Industries to Provide ISR Services for
German Armed Forces in Afghanistan.
Defence and the German Federal Office of Defense Technology
and Procurement (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und
Beschaffung – BWB) signed a service provider contract
today to provide the German Bundeswehr with intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities through
the deployment of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system.
This bridges the gap prior to the “SAATEG (System
zur Abbildenden Aufklärung in der Tiefe des Einsatzgebietes)”
acquisition programme. Under the current multimillion-euro
contract, the Bundeswehr will lease the UAV system for
one year with an option for a two year-extension. This
SAATEG Interim Solution programme will significantly
contribute to comprehensive situational awareness within
the scope of networked command and control in Northern
Afghanistan, a region for which Germany is responsible,
by providing wide area real-time reconnaissance and
surveillance data for German ISAF (International Security
Assistance Force) troops. Flight operations will commence
by mid March 2010. Compared to UAV systems currently
in service with the Bundeswehr, the UAV system to be
deployed is capable of covering a substantially larger
footprint, while its high-performance sensors can provide
reconnaissance data at even severe weather conditions.
Rheinmetall Defence and its partner Israel Aerospace
Industries (IAI) will provide IAI’s Heron MALE
(Medium Altitude Long Endurance) UAV system, including
full intheatre logistical and maintenance services performed
by Rheinmetall Defence. Missions of the UAV-System will
be performed and controlled by Bundeswehr personnel.
October 2009
(Nexter Systems) Back
top page Two new export
breakthroughsfor the range of 20 mm weapons systems using the 20 M 621
In the aeronautical
sector, Nexter Systems has just received an order from
Eurocopter for 16
NC 621 pods to equip EC 635 helicopters.
The NC 621 pods may equip light planes as well as helicopters
and is especially well suited for air-air and air-ground
close range support fire, protection and self-defense
missions. It remains the most powerful gun system, which
may be integrated on a large variety of helicopters
and planes.
In the naval sector, Nexter Systems has just received
an order from the Lebanese Navy for 6 naval type 15A
mounts to equip its patrol boats.
The ultra light 15A manual mount combines outstanding
efficiency with exceptional integration qualities thanks
to the 20 M 621 gun’s recoil stresses being lower
than those of the 12.7 mm mounts and its light weight
and reduced rotation radius. It is the ideal weapon
for interception and self-defense missions, especially
for small craft. Its very simple implementation also
facilitates its use in operation and maintenance.
These latest orders obtained by Nexter Systems in the
20 mm weapon systems show the sharp interest for such
systems which combine light weight, operational efficiency
and exceptional integration qualities on a large range
of carriers in the land, naval and aeronautical sectors. 28
October 2009
top page Russia will
not provide ground-to-air missiles systems S-300 to Iran.
will not provide ground-to-air missiles systems S-300
to Iran, indicated this 28 October 2009 the Russian
Deputy Prime Minister Sergueï Ivanov at the conclusion
of a meeting of the commission on the modernization
of the Russian economy near the president of the country.
A contract of delivery of Russian S-300 missiles in
Teheran was signed in December 2005, but the forever
officially announced beginning of its realization. Referring
to the vice-president of the commission of the Iranian
Parliament for the international policy and safety Ismail
Koussari, official agency IRNA announced in December
2008 the sale by Russia of “components for the
systems of missiles DCA S-300”. Later, the Russian
Federal service for technical collaboration and soldier
with the foreigner officially declared that the information
according to which Russia would have approached the
fulfilment of a contract of delivery of S-300 missiles
in Teheran did not correspond to reality. The possible
delivery of S-300 missiles in Teheran causes the preoccupation
of the Occident and Israel. Pleading that the deployment
of S-300 in Iran could put in danger the safety of the
American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Washington
is highly opposite there. Before, Russia had sold in
Iran ground-to-air systems Tor-M1, which makes it possible
to protect the military sites and civilians against
attacks of cruise missiles, bombs, planes, helicopters,
unmanned aircraft and attacks weapons. Tor-M1 is operational
under all the climatic conditions. 28
October 2009
top page Russia supplies
weaponry and equipment for police and special purpose military units
in several NATO countries.
supplies weaponry and equipment for police and special
purpose military units in several NATO countries, state
arms exporter Rosoboronexport said on Wednesday. "Our
main customers are ex-Soviet states, the Middle East,
Latin American and African countries, but we also deliver
special purpose weaponry and equipment to several NATO
countries," said Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov, an advisor
to Rosoboronexport general director. More than 300 Russian
companies, including 23 defense firms, are participating
in the Interpolitex 2009 International Exhibition of
State Security Technology in Moscow October 27-30. According
to Ovchinnikov, foreign clients are mostly interested
in weaponry for anti-terrorism police task forces, optical
and infrared equipment, means of individual protection
and non-lethal weapons. The official said that at least
four foreign delegations at the show have expressed
interest in purchasing several types of Russian-made
equipment. "The negotiations have entered an active
phase and this work will continue after the show,"
Ovchinnikov said. Delegations from Austria, Belarus,
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Canada, The Netherlands,
the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan and Ukraine are participating
in Interpolitex 2009. 28
October 2009
(Sagem) Back
top page Sagem named
prime contractor for Phoenix 2010, program to test future land combat
defense procurement agency DGA has chosen Sagem (Safran
group) as prime contractor for the Phoenix 2010 program,
involving technical and operational tests to improve
the efficiency of the French army`s future combat systems.
The contract is worth over 10 million Euros and is being
conducted with the Land & Joint Systems division
of Thales as co-contractor. Phoenix 2010 is a follow-on
to the Phoenix 2007 and 2008 programs, for which Sagem
was already the industrial coordinator. The Phoenix
2010 program will kick off in the second half of 2010.
Running for a period of 18 months, it will organize
and carry out field demonstrations in specific areas,
using hardware and software from Sagem and its partners,
optimized for these trials. The tests themselves will
be prepared and performed in conjunction with the DGA
and the French army. These tests aim to demonstrate
new capabilities in close combat: tracking friend/foe
positions, the robustness of tactical communications,
continuity between mounted and dismounted phases, surveillance
and air-land support. Phoenix 2010 is designed to support
the transformation of the French army to integrate network-centered
operations, and the development of the associated technologies.
Covering the regiment, company and platoon levels (joint
services tactical group and subgroup / GTIA and SGTIA,
in the French army), Phoenix 2010 will contribute to
preparations for “Operation Scorpion”, a
comprehensive initiative to support the army’s
transformation. The results generated by Phoenix 2010
could also lead to the acquisition of new equipment
for integration in the army’s combat platforms
to enhance their operational capabilities. 27
October 2009
top page Co-operation
between India and Belarus in the sector of defense.
his visit in Belarus, the Indian Minister for Defense
Pallam Raju will evoke the deliveries of weapons, the
modernization of the weaponry and the joint developments
military, indicates an official statement of the Indian
ministry of Defense. During negotiations which will
proceed from October 24th to 28th, it will be a question
of equipping the armoured vehicle personnel carrier
BMP-2 and the tanks T-72 and T-90 used by the Indian
army of firing and command optico-electronics systems,
onboard computers and other equipment. The representatives
of the Indian public company Bharat Dynamics Limited
will meet moreover their colleagues of the Belarus’
research center and production of Tétraèdre
to discuss about the modernization of the anti-aircraft
missiles (code NATO Dared-AK: SA-8 Gecko) in service
in the Indian air force. The development of armaments
holds a particular place in the co-operation between
the two countries. At the end of 2008, the DRDO and
the national Academy of sciences of Belarus were appropriate
to establish in Minsk a joint research centre and developments.
Under the terms of a protocol signed last December,
the Belarus’ part begins to provide a ground to
Minsk, and the Indian part to finance the construction
of the centre. 23
October 2009
Republic Back
top page Czech Republic
and Slovakia to jointly procure Ivecos LMV wheeled armoured vehicle.
Czech Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced plans
to procure Iveco LMV light armoured 4x4 vehicles jointly
with Slovakia under the auspices of a joint EU battle
group comprising military personnel from both countries.
Current plans call for the Czech MoD procuring 90 vehicles
for the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) in two stages
with deliveries of 60 vehicles in the first stage in
the near future, with the remaining 30 units following
in stage two. 23
October 2009
top page Kalachnikov:
Moscow and Beijing prepare an agreement on the intellectual property.
search to sign an intergovernmental agreement for the
protection of the intellectual property on the assault
rifle of Kalachnikov, announced Thursday Anatoli Issaïkine,
director of the Russian agency of export of weapons
“Rosoboronexport”. “We obtained a
Chinese national patent on Kalachnikov rifles. The documents
were given to the Russian Federal service for the military
cooperation and technique which will work out a suitable
intergovernmental agreement”, indicated the director
to the journalists at Klimovsk, in the area of Moscow. 22
October 2009
top page A military
delegation from Iraq will visit Moscow in the near future to discuss
the purchase of Russian weaponry.
military delegation from Iraq will visit Moscow in the
near future to discuss the purchase of Russian weaponry,
an Iraqi parliament member has said. According to the
Iraqi MP, Baghdad is seeking to sign arms contracts
with Russia, Germany, France, Serbia and the United
States by the end of 2011 "to complete the creation
of Iraqi Armed Forces and security forces." Al-Bayati
said the Iraqi leadership is interested in the diversification
of arms suppliers, but takes into consideration the
fact that "the military experience of the Iraqi
army is based primarily on the Russian weaponry."
The Soviet Union had been the main supplier of military
equipment to Iraq before an international embargo against
the country was imposed in 1990 following the Iraqi
attack on Kuwait. After the fall of Saddam Hussein's
regime in April 2003, the Iraqi Armed Forces had to
be recreated almost from scratch, and they are still
not sufficiently equipped with modern weaponry, especially
aircraft. 18
October 2009
top page CAESAR Nexter
Systems wheeled self-propelled howitzer and 120mm Mortars fired in combat
condition in Afghanistan.
French Army’s Caesar truck-mounted 155mm gun has
a 52-calibre barrel, and has been fired in combat in
Afghanistan at ranges of over 29 kilometers. (French
MoD photo)The French Army’s CAESAR (CAmion Equipé
d’un Système d’ARtillerie) truck-mounted
self-propelled artillery gun has fired its 52 caliber
gun for the first time in combat. Indeed, after initial
fire-support firings from the Forward Operating Base
(FOB) where they are deployed, and from where they can
target the entire zone where French troops operate,
a long-range shot was attempted on Sept. 29 by the fire-support
element of GTIA (Groupement Tactique Inter-Armes, combined
tactical group) Kapisa, consisting of the 2nd battery
of the 11th Marine Artillery Regiment. At a range of
more than 29 kilometers, this firing supported the withdrawal
of the 2nd Company of the 3rd Marine Infantry Regiment
(3ème RIMA) as part of Operation "Camel
Trophy," an offensive reconnaissance operation
along Main Supply Road Vermont, between FOB Tagab and
Lake Naghlu. At this range, duration of the shell’s
flight was 57 seconds at a velocity of 954 meters per
second. In total, 12 rounds of 155mm caliber were fired
with high accuracy. Having arrived in theater on Saturday,
August 1, the first four guns belonging to the 11th
RAMA were deployed in Kapisa on Friday, August 14. They
are operated by gunners of the 11th RAMa, which also
currently operate 120mm mortars. The initial feedback
allowed the evaluation of the complementarity of the
Caesar and the 120 RTF1 mortar, and their operational
constraints. On balance, both weapons were found to
have a role to play in indirect fire support of counter-insurgency
missions like those in Afghanistan. 15
October 2009
top page Russia eyes
Brunei as potential arms buyer.
state arms exporter Rosoboronexport expressed the hope
on Wednesday that it could initiate military-technological
cooperation with the sultanate of Brunei. The sultan
of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, arrived on an official
visit to Russia on Monday and met with Rosoboronexport
officials for discussions on the possibility of future
arms purchases from Moscow. The sultan of Brunei, Hassanal
Bolkiah, was given a multimedia presentation of Russian-made
air defense systems and was shown a Ka-52 attack helicopter
in action. He also visited a training center for special
forces units, and watched a demonstration of spetsnaz
tactics. Rosoboronexport has not yet received any orders
for the delivery of military equipment to Brunei, a
former British colony in southeast Asia, although the
Russian company exhibited a variety of military export
items during a special presentation in Brunei in 2005.
Brunei has a limited military contingent, comprising
ground forces, air force and navy, to counter aggression,
terrorism and insurgency. The most combat capable force
is the Gurkha Reserve Unit, which serves to protect
the sultan, the royal family, and oil installations.
The Royal Brunei Armed Forces use a wide range of foreign
equipment, mostly from Britain, France and the United
States. 15
October 2009
(Rheinmetall) Back
top page Rheinmetall
Defence to equip Hungarian Army with command and control systems.
Hungarian Army has contracted with Rheinmetall Defence
to supply it with tactical command and control systems.
The company has signed a five year framework contract
with the procurement agency of the Hungarian Ministry
of Defence. Rheinmetall has supplied comparable systems
to the armies of Greece, Sweden and Spain, where they
have proved highly effective. Iniochos is a family of
tactical command and control systems designed for use
at various echelons and in various platforms –
e.g. tactical operations centres, vehicles and at individual
soldier level. The first phase of the framework contract
envisages equipping an entire battalion with Iniochos
application software. It also entails adapting existing
radio equipment to create a communications network and
supplying a tool for producing cartographic data. For
training purposes, systems will be supplied to two bases,
and instruction provided to administrators, trainers
and troops. Under the framework contract, additional
equipment and services can be purchased until every
unit in the Hungarian Army is equipped with the new
technology. Rheinmetall Defence supplies a wide array
of defence electronics systems and software. The company’s
Defence Electronics division plans, develops and produces
products and system solutions in close cooperation with
military customers around the globe. 14
October 2009
States (Oshkosh) Back
top page Oshkosh Defense
Submits Vehicles for Australian Land 121 Phase 4.
Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corporation, has submitted
its MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) and SandCat vehicle
as part of two proposals with Plasan SASA, Ltd., and
JLG Australia for the Australian Department of Defence’s
(DoD) Land 121 “Overlander” Phase 4. The
Land 121 program’s Phase 4 involves the procurement
of 1,300 Protected Mobility Vehicles-Light (PMV-L).
The M-ATV, which Oshkosh Defense produces for the U.S.
Armed Forces, is a well-protected and highly mobile
combat vehicle. Using the Oshkosh TAK-4 independent
suspension system provides a 70 percent off-road mission
profile capability on unimproved roads and rugged off-road
terrain. The SandCat is a lightweight and versatile
protected vehicle that features a durable modular armor
system, which can be configured to meet a mission’s
threat level and payload requirements. Oshkosh submitted
the SandCat’s Transport variant for the program. 12
October 2009
top page The equipment
of the Russian troops of strategic missiles will be upgraded with new
missiles RS-24.
equipment of the Russian troops of strategic missiles
(RVSN) will be upgraded with new missiles RS-24, and
will start as of next December, announced Monday to
the journalists the general Andreï Chvaïtchenko,
ordering RVSN. “These new strategic missiles with
multiple heads will equip before all the regiments with
missiles equipped with motorized launching pads to replace
the Topol-M missiles, as the latter are withdrawn from
the service”, the general specified. 12
October 2009
States (General Dynamics) Back
top page General Dynamics
Awarded Contract for 352 additional Stryker.
U.S. Army TACOM Lifecycle Management Command has awarded
General Dynamics Land Systems a $647 million contract
for 352 Stryker vehicles. Work will be performed in
Anniston, Ala.; Sterling Heights, Mich.; Lima, Ohio;
and London, Ontario, Canada. Vehicle deliveries will
begin in July 2010. This award continues vehicle production
under the Stryker program, which was initially awarded
to a General Dynamics team in 2000. To date, General
Dynamics has delivered 2,988 vehicles and trained 18,438
soldiers in their operation. 10
October 2009
top page Azerbaijan
is producing a new version of its first small arm, Istiglal sniper rifle.
is producing a new version of its first small arm, Istiglal
sniper rifle. It will be different from the old version
IST-14.5 for its caliber and weight. The new rifle will
be chambered for 12.7 mm caliber and weight 15 kg, but
it will have same specifications as the old version.
The new rifles will be produced for the Azerbaijan Armed
Forces and will be offered for export as well. 14.5-mm
IST-14.5 Anti-Material Rifle “Istiglal”
produced by the Azerbaijan Defense Industry Ministry
was exhibited for the first time in IDEF 2009 exhibition
in April in Istanbul, Turkey. 20-kg rifle is used on
vehicle. The 3000-meter range point shooting rifle could
be used in temperature -50 and +50 C. It is firm to
rainfall, mud, snow and dust. It could be divided into
two parts and carried in the bag. 10
October 2009
top page
Chinese Army cuts
manpower to modernise capabilities.
China's National Day parade on 1 October, when the PLA
displayed a range of advanced new weapon systems, military
sources revealed that the Chinese army would shed up
to 700,000 troops within the next two to three years,
according to news agency Reuters. China's armed forces
consist of 2.185 million personnel, with the army accounting
for 1.6 million of these. It also has a further 1.5
million reserve and paramilitary forces. The PLA has
already experienced substantial cuts in recent decades,
having reduced its head count by one million in 1985,
by 500,000 in 1997 and by 200,000 in 2003. 09
October 2009
top page President
Dmitri Medvedev approved the new uniform for the Fast Reaction Forces
Dmitri Medvedev approved the new uniform of Russian
manufacture for the Fast Reaction Force (KSOR) of the
Organization of the Treaty of collective security (OTSC),
which starts mid-October an active phase of exercises
in Kazakhstan. According to Colonel Sergueï Tchesnokov,
the new uniform will be manufactured in Saint-Petersburg
and provided to the collective Force with the expenses
of Russia. Each batch is composed of six components:
underclothing which remain always dry thanks to the
use of modern materials, heating underclothing, insulating
combination, jackets and pants of summer, mid-season
and winter. The version winter was manufactured by using
a synthetic insulator of last generation. 08
October 2009
Republic Back
top page Czech Army
finally receives its first Pandur IIs.
Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) officially took delivery
of its first General Dynamics European Land Systems
(GDELS) Steyr-SSF Pandur II 8x8 armoured vehicles on
30 September at the VOP-025 Novy Jicin military repair
depot facility. Senior representatives from GDELS, the
Czech Army , the Czech government and the Czech defence
industry gathered at an official handover ceremony at
VOP-025, where the first 17 Pandur IIs, configured as
infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variants, were delivered
for operational service. Gen Picek said the ACR had
an urgent requirement for the vehicles and the first
operational theatre where the vehicles will be deployed
will be Afghanistan, where the ACR heads a Provincial
Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Loghar Province. The ACR
will take delivery of 107 vehicles in total valued at
CZK14.4 billion (USD8.2 million). 05
October 2009
States Back
top page US airlifts
first M-ATVs Oshkosh to Afghanistan.
US Department of Defense (DoD) has begun deploying mine-resistant
ambush-protected (MRAP) all-terrain vehicles (M-ATVs)
to Afghanistan and now expects to order more systems
beyond its recent 5,244 requirement. These armoured
trucks are urgently needed to provide troops in Afghanistan
with the same blast protection as heavier MRAPs but
with increased mobility to handle the difficult terrain
there. This first deployment comes only three months
after Oshkosh Defense announced it had won the highly
coveted M-ATV production contract, which was expected
to send at least 5,244 of the vehicles to theatre. 02
October 2009
(Thales) Back
top page Hawkei -
the Next-Generation Australian Light Protected Vehicle.
Thales Australia team has unveiled the design of its
groundbreaking next generation Protected Mobility Vehicle
for the Australian Army - the Hawkei. The Hawkei was
developed to compete for the replacement of the Australian
Army’s thin-skinned Land Rover utility vehicles.
The Hawkei has been developed by Thales in Bendigo,
Victoria - home of the Bushmaster. Drawing on both international
and local expertise provided by Plasan, Boeing, PAC
Group and numerous Australian Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs), the vehicle's design incorporates
world-leading innovative technologies. 01
October 2009
Kingdom (BAE Systems) Back
top page BAE Systems
Receives £24M UK Order For New BvS10 Viking.
Systems has been awarded a contract by the UK Ministry
of Defence (MoD) for an improved version of its go-anywhere
BvS10 Viking armoured vehicle. The company will deliver
24 of the vehicles, known as the BvS10 Viking Mark II,
to the MoD in early 2010 so that they can be deployed
to Afghanistan in the spring of 2010. The contract,
worth up to £24m, includes fitting a range of
urgent operational requirement modifications for service
in Afghanistan. Twenty-two of the vehicles will be the
troop-carrying variant and two will be in command vehicle
configuration. Lessons learned from operations in Afghanistan
have resulted in several improvements including levels
of protection, a larger and more powerful engine, and
a bigger alternator which gives more electrical power.
The steering unit has also been improved along with
uprated suspension and brakes. The Mk II still retains
the same load-carrying capacity as the original vehicle.
The modifications are based on experience gained from
more than 25 years of articulated vehicle design and
production in Ornskoldsvik. The UK MoD has already bought
166 Vikings. Approximately 50 vehicles have been used
in Afghanistan by the Royal Marines and other units,
where their flexibility and mobility are much appreciated.
The BvS10 MkII is also a prime contender for the French
VHM requirement for 129 vehicles. A contract in France
is expected to be announced at the end of the year. 01
October 2009