– Albanian Military Exhibition
is the First Exhibition on Security
and Defense, an international
event that promotes a new identity
of Albania after its membership
in NATO, a spoken voice in the
issues of Defense and International
Security. The event will be held
from October 28 to 30, 2010, at
the Palace of Congresses, Tirana,
Albania, and we would be delighted
to welcome you there. ALMEX
is the newborn production
of the UFI Member Albanian organization,
Klik Ekspo Group,
and will be organized under the
patronage of the Albanian Ministry
of Defense, General Staff of Albanian
Armed Forces, and the institutional
assistance of SECA – State
Export Control Authority. ALMEX
is the “First” meaning
the “Best” event,
which is aiming to be an objective
focused on actuality, and a radar
that will tirelessly try to perceive
the future of the sector.
- country of revelations:
Albanian Military Exhibition is
not just a promotional eve event
to promote an interesting and
prominent industry. Through ALMEX,
the whole country is revealed,
its hermetic yesterday existence,
avid for liberation and development,
and the today’s status that
emanates stability, security,
economic & social growth,
and clear firmness to the European
can exhibit at ALMEX
the range of products of defense
and security are your daily work
and the Balkan and SEE markets are
your targets, make your company
be in the right place at the right
time by participating in ALMEX this
autumn. A must of nomenclature of
goods and the filtered channels
of visitors, will make sure to have
the immediate feedback from your
presence at the show.
in pole position:
You will be a step ahead if you
are offering the goods listed below,
which appear more often in the Defense
and Security demands of the Albanian
institutions for the next 5 years
to come:
- Constructive Simulation
- System of Information and Logistic
Support Management
- Intelligence equipment
- Tactic radio communication equipment
- Field equipment
- MKK equipment
- Light armaments
- Mobile center
- Armored vehicles (100 mil. Euro
negotiable in the 3 years to come)
- Operative mountain equipment
- Tactic communication equipment
with radio
- Helicopters (selling and buying)
- Fire-fighting vehicles (buying)
- Bid of Armed Forces Uniforms
if you are seeking for Albanian
- Recognizing the growing market
demands of Albania in the related
- With the metamorphosis that the
entire security and defense system
is actually undergoing, Albania
turns out to be a key factor of
attracting the attention to the
technologies and proposals from
the worldwide leaders;
- The fermentation between the local
immediate demand and international
supply, grant to ALMEX its status
of a unique summit to display this
“market progression”;
- Become the first-in-line proposers
and bidders to meet the requirements
of the Ministry of Defense of Albania;
the active participation of the
Ministry of Defense, General Staff
of Albanian Armed Forces, Ministry
of Interior, State Export Control
Authority, is an asset, since you
will get all necessary information
about the tenders and bids, programs
or projects undertaken by the abovementioned
institutions (projects of 350.000.000
Euro) and learn about the procurement
procedures and how to become a potential
future supplier and partner;
- Albania is a roulette of opportunities
for the worldwide industrialists:
an obsolete industry of military
and security fields (armament and
ammunitions, uniforms, explosive
plants etc) is also waiting to be
restored and supported with new
innovative technologies; This overhauling
course might involve other tangent
industries like metallurgy, processing
of dual-use goods, high security
transport etc.
if you are seeking for Balkans and
SEE market:
- Becoming part of the regional
markets and being positioned clearly
in the circle of international actors
and in the Balkans (Albania, Montenegro,
Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia,
- Meeting buyers and decision makers
of the Balkan and SEE countries;
- Feeling the trends and news of
the defense and security industry
in the Western Balkan and SEE countries
(given that some of these countries
are on the verge of NATO or EU membership
and the budgets of their governments
are affluent in the voices of reforms
and standardizations of the Defense
and Security field);
- The presence of the Balkan and
SEE state authorities and institutions,
will lead the participant to recognizing
the trends and policies in the defense
- Albania is often designated as
“the natural gate to the Balkans”,
and the same guiding position will
be shown through Albania Military
Exhibition, an event which will
involve the entire Balkan and SEE
area and will soon become an event
of reference in this corner of Europe.
The number of visitors of ALMEX
is a successful tandem between the
organizers’ commitment to
promote it and the peculiarity of
the event itself. The support of
the Albanian Ministry of Defense
and of the General Staff guarantee
the presence of the Homologue Official
Delegations, which will not only
be visiting the show, but will also
be an active part of the conferences
and forums that will take place
within the framework of the Albanian
Military Exhibition.
Looking forward to meeting you there:
- Official Defense Delegates;
- Armed Forces representative involved
in Defense Procurement;
- Regional industry decision-makers
seeking purchasing and Joint-Venture
business opportunities;
- Senior International Industry
- Military and Security issues influencers;
- Defense and Security industry
- Civil and Military Police;
- Defense and Security Press and
- B2B and B2C meetings’ Agenda;
- High level meeting;
- Company and product presentation;
- Conferences and forums under the
care of the Albanian Ministry of
Defense focused in the
Albanian involvement in global projects
of defense and security.
- Conference and forums under the
care of international Governmental
Institutions focused in the
“clou” arguments of
the defense and security field;
- Hands-on exhibitions:
* shooting ranges and instruction;
* tactical combat demonstrations;
* live demonstrations of weapons
and military equipment , vehicles
and communication equipment;
* combat simulations;
- Festival of Marching Band;
- Exhibition of Uniforms and the
Arsenal in Centuries
2010 Official Site
the oficial website about the ALMEX
2010 to have more information
( Visitors, Exhibitors, etc ...)
Demonstration “Innovative
Technology and Equipment
in the area of Security
and Civil Emergency”
Officials arrive
Prime Minister of the Republic
of Albania, Prof.Dr. Sali
Berisha arrives
Unit Commander’s show
of force (troops and vehicles,
which take part in the demonstration
are lined up in front of
the tribune)
The National Hymn of the
Republic of Albania is played
Speaker announces troops
and vehicle demonstration
(Troops and military vehicles
perform in front of guests)
Direct connection (live)
with the Albanian Special
Forces of the Peacekeeping
Mission in Afghanistan
Cocktail sponsored by ALMEX
Depart the Commando Regiment
Forces in Zall-Herr and
proceed to Tirana (National
History Museum)
Visit ALMEX, discussions,
meetings Business-to-Business
Inauguration Ceremony of
Guests visit the exhibits
at the National History
Official dinner for invited
guests sponsored by the
Minister of Defense and
ALMEX according to the protocol
2, Friday 29 October 2010
- 09:45
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 19:00
to the Command of Naval Force
in Durres (Depart Rogner Hotel
Live Demonstration (Air Force
and Naval Force Command)
a) Search & Rescue Simulation
b) Simulation on War against
Cocktail sponsored by ALMEX
Guests return to Tirana
Visit at ALMEX, discussions,
meetings Business-to-Business
Rogner Hotel Europapark and
proceed to Skenderbej square
Demonstration by the RENEA
Depart the National History
Museum and proceed to the
Trap- -Skeet range in Mullet
Trap-Skeet shooting
Cocktail sponsored by ALMEX
Company Presentation: Defendec
Conference Hall at the National
History Museum
Press Conference:
End of the International Fair
of Defense and Security and
closing remarks in the presence
of the organizing party, members
of the Ministry of Defense,
Interior Ministry and participating
End of the International Fair
of Defense and Security
Recognition selected as the Official
Online Show News Daily ALMEX 2010
website Army Recognition is now
one of the most visited defense
web site, with more than 20,000
visitors per day. The organizers
of the defense exhibition ALMEX
2010 recognize today the value and
the quality of Army Recognition
team. With its notoriety and its
number of visitors, the website
Army Recognition is an international
media to communicate and promote
the worldwide defense industry.
Army Recognition website is now
selected by ALMEX 2010, as Official
Online Show News daily. Follow the
activities of Defence Exhibition
ALMEX 2010, with news,photographs
reports and video to Army Recognition
world online defense magazine. (Update
28 October 2010) Read