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Denmark set to finalize BAE Systems deal for 115 CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

| Defense News Army 2024

On 27 April 2024, the Danish television channel TV2 announced that Denmark is on the verge of finalizing an important agreement with the Swedish BAE Systems, with plans to acquire 115 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) CV90 for a reported sum of 7.5 billion Danish kroner. The purchase, part of a larger defense agreement currently under negotiation, underscores Denmark's commitment to enhancing its military capabilities in response to evolving security challenges.
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BAE Systems CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Picture source: BAE Systems)

The impending arms agreement marks an important step in Denmark's defense modernization efforts, positioning the country to effectively address emerging threats and fulfill its commitments to NATO. As production ramps up, Denmark anticipates the delivery of the CV90 IFVs between 2025 and 2029, ensuring preparedness for future contingencies and contributing to collective defense efforts within the alliance.

The CV9040 stands as the symbol of infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) design, seamlessly integrating mobility, protection, and armament into a formidable platform. Developed in the late 1980s and entering service officially in 1993, the CV9040 was born to meet the evolving demands of modern warfare, placing emphasis on rapid maneuverability, robust protection, and versatile firepower. It boasts a potent propulsion system and advanced suspension, facilitating swift movement across challenging terrains and offering amphibious capabilities for water obstacles, ensuring prompt response to battlefield dynamics while supporting infantry with speed and efficiency. Manufactured by BAE Systems Hägglunds, a subsidiary of the global defense, security, and aerospace company BAE Systems, the CV9040 IFV epitomizes next-generation military technology.

In terms of protection and firepower, the CV9040 stands unrivaled, featuring state-of-the-art armor and the innovative Barracuda camouflage system, which significantly reduces its thermal signature to evade enemy detection. Its armor can withstand severe impacts from anti-tank rounds and explosives, providing robust protection to the crew and passengers. The CV9040's armament is particularly notable, equipped with a 40mm Bofors autocannon capable of engaging a variety of targets, from enemy personnel to light armored vehicles, complemented by 7.62 mm machine guns and provision for anti-tank guided missiles, offering a comprehensive suite of weapons for diverse combat scenarios. Enhanced by an advanced fire control system, the CV9040 can acquire and engage targets with remarkable accuracy, further enhancing its lethality on the battlefield. These features solidify the CV9040's position as a critical asset in Sweden's military arsenal, underscoring the nation's commitment to maintaining a sophisticated and effective defense force.

Ukrainian soldiers have hailed the CV90 as the premier anti-tank vehicle within their armed forces, particularly lauding its Barracuda camouflage system, which reduces its visibility to thermal imaging systems by 70%, rendering it as a mere "gray, padded cold car" on screens. This stealth capability, combined with enhanced internal insulation, significantly contributes to both crew survivability and comfort.

Despite its numerous advantages, the CV90's ammunition capacity has been noted as a limitation, with commanders expressing a desire for increased ammunition storage to enhance sustained engagement capabilities. Nevertheless, the vehicle's rapid reload time of approximately one to two minutes has been viewed positively.

The CV9040's resilience against heavy firepower is another key strength highlighted by Ukrainian military personnel. Demonstrating the ability to withstand direct hits from various projectiles, including Lancets, FPVs, and 120 mm shells, it attests to its superior armor protection. Instances where the vehicle faced aggressive assaults from multiple T-90 tanks without succumbing to the attacks further illustrate its robustness.

A notable mention is the safety of the vehicle's ammunition storage. In cases where the turret was hit, the ammunition did not detonate; instead, the propellant simply burned out, mitigating the risk of internal explosions and enhancing crew safety.

Beyond its combat effectiveness, the CV90 is commended for its operational comfort and maneuverability, often described as a "tractor" by its crew. Offering amenities such as air conditioning and a radio, it contributes to a more conducive environment for its operators.

The collective feedback from the Ukrainian military underscores the CV90's critical role in enhancing their defensive and offensive capabilities. As the conflict persists, the performance and resilience of such advanced military equipment remain paramount to Ukraine's efforts to repel Russian aggression and safeguard its sovereignty.


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