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Simulation modeling to be used in trials – Part 2

Simulation modeling has been used by the military for long. Maneuvers, drills, command-staff exercises are held to simulate upcoming operations. Command-staff drills widely use large-scale mathematical and other models that reflect the connection between combat actions and their effectiveness factors. Lieutenant-Colonel PhD Technical Science N. Mustafayev, Lieutenant-Colonel R. Leontyev and expert Ye. Idilieva consider the role of simulation modeling at the 4th central range of the Russian Defense Ministry in an article in the Voennaya Mysl (Military Thought) journal.
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Contextual picture. Pantsir-S air defense system firing a missile. Live firings are much more expensive than simulation (Picture source: Russian MoD)

In 2010, the upgrade of KIMU-2000 in the framework of Obmer R&D was successfully completed. In the same year, KIMU-M was used in Fronton R&D. In 2011-2015, KIMU-M ensured successful trials of several radars, an aviation guidance center and automatic control systems (R&D Bastion, Perspectiva-ASU). In 2015, KIMU promoted successful trials of an electronic range in Barelief R&D.

At present, modeling tools are being upgraded for new trials of modern Russian arms operating in a single national information space. Modern KIMU is a cluster of programs that simulate models of an aerospace strike and elements of an air defense grouping of the Aerospace Forces and other types of the Russian armed forces. It operates in real time and interfaces with existing air defense weapons by organic communication channels.

A stationary test modeling complex (SKIMU) was designed for trials of air defense weapons at the 4th test range on the background of a modelled operational and tactical situation of an air defense grouping. The real units are fully or partially replaced by models.

SKIMU tunes up and prepares air defense weapons for preliminary, acceptance, control and other trials of existing and prospective arms; increases their effectiveness; assesses combat engagement options of air defense groupings; conducts research drills with real and modelled fragments of air defense groupings, automatic various-level command posts (operational, strategic, operational-tactical and tactical); examines tactical and technical characteristics of air defense arms in conditions that are close to combat ones to the maximum; checks the tactical and technical characteristics of tested weapons in fragments of existing and prospective air defense groupings of various levels and designation.

SKIMU comprises the basic system, the technological system, communications and data transmission system.

The basic system holds seminatural experiments in trials of weapons. It is a cluster of simulation models of air weapons and elements of air defense grouping operating in real-time. The technological system of SKIMU designs simulation models and prepares seminatural experiments.

SKIMU software is a set of programs operating in a distributed computer environment both in real time and not. The software of the basic and technological systems differ. The basic system does not have instruments to design software.

Mobile modeling test facility (MKIMU) was created for areas with insufficient communication channels. It can be deployed close to the tested weapon. The facility is carried in an automobile container with life support comprising heating, air conditioning, ventilation and lights.

Portable modeling test unit (PIMU) autonomously tests and checks both specific functions of the sample and the whole air defense weapon prepared for trials. PIMU has a technical possibility to provide the modelled information to the real weapon. The information is exchanged by organic coded messages with corresponding protocols of information and logistical interaction.

The information circulating in communication channels is registered in seminatural experiments. Upon processing, the results of the experiments can be obtained as tables for analysis. The processing can also calculate quality control indicators.

Simulation modeling creates an environment, in which the tested object interacts with environment elements in real-time by the rules and scenario preset by the technical assignment for the object, as well as the assignment for the seminatural experiment.

The aerospace situation and its time-response characteristics in a seminatural experiment are set according to any requirements of the technical assignment for the experiment on the background of the modelled operational and tactical situation.

KIMU has tested dozens of arms. The modeling saved huge money and provided quality tests of weapons, which cannot be tested by other means. There are new tasks to test modern Russian arms for combat in a single national information space, Lieutenant-Colonel PhD Technical Science N. Mustafayev, Lieutenant-Colonel R. Leontyev and expert Ye. Idilieva write in the Voennaya Mysl (Military Thought) journal.

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