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Tekhnodinamika target helicopter used during Orion UAV weapon test.

| 2021

Unmanned target helicopters of the Tekhnodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation took part in testing the latest ammunition for unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of the new weapon was practiced by the Orion strike drone. According to the scenario of the exercises, the helicopter must break through to the military airfield, and the Orion, in the absence of other air defense systems, must find and destroy it.

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Tekhnodinamika target helicopter used during Orion UAV weapon test 01 Orion successfully hit the Tekhnodinamika target helicopter (Picture source: Russian MoD)

An aerial target-simulator of a helicopter (VM-V) is part of a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles - a simulator of air targets, developed and created at TsNTU Dinamika. The helicopter is capable of staying in the air for at least 2 hours, reaching a maximum altitude of 2.5 km. The maximum range of its radio communication is 150 km. The drone is intended for use as a target simulator of a target when creating a target environment using target equipment during testing.

“Our simulator of air targets entered service with the Aerospace Forces a year ago, and during this time the development has managed to show its importance more than once, helping to work out practical actions to detect and eliminate a simulated air enemy. But we do not stop there. The specialists of TsNTU "Dinamika" are working on a proactive basis to modernize the complex. It concerns, in particular, improving the flight performance of unmanned helicopters, installing additional equipment on them, increasing the payload, range and duration of the flight. All this will expand the scope of use of drones. So, promising drone models can be used for aerial reconnaissance, target designation in real time, as well as for combat strike use without the involvement of manned aircraft ",

Tekhnodinamika target helicopter used during Orion UAV weapon test 02 Aerial target - helicopter simulator (VM-V) is part of a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles - a simulator of air targets, developed and created at TsNTU Dinamika. An unmanned helicopter is capable of staying in the air for at least 2 hours, reaching a maximum altitude of 2.5 km. The maximum range of its radio communication is 100 km. VM-V is intended for use as a target - a target simulator when creating a target environment using target equipment during testing.  (Picture source: Russian MoD)

In October 2020, a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles that has no analogues in Russia - a simulator of air targets successfully passed state tests, the final stage of which was carried out in the proving grounds of the GLITs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after I. V.P. Chkalov using the target equipment. At the end of 2020, the first production batch of the complex was handed over to the customer.

In October of this year, unmanned helicopters of TsNTU "Dinamika" were used for the first time to simulate an air raid of a simulated enemy during the Russian-Serbian exercises "Slavic Shield - 2021". The drones served as targets for the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems.

The next delivery of aerial targets - helicopter simulators to the Aerospace Forces is scheduled for early 2022.

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