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Airbus U.S. Space & Defense Develops UH-72 Lakota Drone Prototype for US Marines.

Airbus U.S. Space & Defense is developing a prototype UH-72 Lakota drone for the U.S. Marines as part of a Phase I Other Transactional Authority Agreement awarded by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) through the Naval Aviation Systems Consortium, according to Airbus Defense. This initiative is under the Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA) Rapid Prototyping Program, aimed at providing the United States Marine Corps (USMC) with prototypes to demonstrate the aircraft's capabilities in combat through a series of operational experiments.
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The ULC (Unmanned Logistics Connector) version of the UH-72 is designed to achieve a cruising speed of 135 knots and a range of at least 350 nautical miles, with a maximum payload capacity of approximately 4,000 pounds (Picture source: Airbus Defense)

The unmanned UH-72 Logistics Connector, developed by Airbus, is an enhanced variant of the existing Lakota platform, now adapted to meet the challenges of expeditionary operations in contested environments. According to Rob Geckle, Chairman and CEO of Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, this innovation builds on nearly two decades of American military capabilities, offering a versatile and enduring solution for global logistics missions.

Based on the UH-72B variant of the Lakota, first delivered to the Army in 2021, the UH-72 drone shares many components with the manned version. Integrated improvements include a Fenestron-style tail rotor, a simplified main rotor head with five blades instead of four, and enhanced digitally-controlled engines, which facilitate maintenance and enhance lift performance. These features are crucial for enhancing the capabilities of the UH-72 as a logistics platform.

The ULC (Unmanned Logistics Connector) version of the UH-72 is designed to achieve a cruising speed of 135 knots and a range of at least 350 nautical miles, with a maximum payload capacity of approximately 4,000 pounds. Rear clamshell doors and an open cabin design, already features of the manned UH-72s, also facilitate cargo transport, either internally or slung under the fuselage. Airbus anticipates that this version will have a degree of autonomy from the start, with capabilities expected to expand and evolve over time.

The UH-72 ULC also aims to incorporate basic autonomous capabilities, such as automatically following predefined routes, and more advanced capabilities to dynamically change routes or respond to sudden threats, are planned to enhance logistics in highly contested areas.

In addition to their well-known collaboration on the UH-72 Lakota helicopters, Airbus U.S. Space & Defense has established several strategic partnerships with the U.S. armed forces. Among these initiatives, Airbus plays a crucial role in providing advanced communication satellites, essential for enhancing the global communication capabilities of the military. Furthermore, Airbus is also involved in drone system projects, supplying technologies that support critical reconnaissance and surveillance operations. These collaborations extend beyond equipment supply to research and development programs aimed at creating innovative technologies tailored to the specific needs of the military, including improving aerial performance, increasing payload capacities, and developing advanced autonomous systems.

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